For any clarification, feel free to write to
Maria Sebe:  0737 733 444

Towards an EU Competition Tribunal


Towards an EU Competition Tribunal

For any clarification, feel free to write to
Maria Sebe: 0737 733 444

September 21, 2023 

  • The debate regarding the establishment of a specialized competition tribunal within the Court of Justice of the European Union is arguably one of the most pressing and relevant discussions concerning the enforcement of competition rules in the Union. While the idea itself is not novel, there are renewed reasons to reconsider such a reform. These stem essentially from a stricter legal standard in competition-related matters, influenced primarily by the evolving jurisprudence of another significant European court – the European Court of Human Rights. Consequently, momentum is shifting towards the establishment of such a specialized tribunal. The debate we are organizing on 21 September 2023 intends to initiate a broader discussion and, in time, potentially catalyze an administrative process that could transform how decisions are made and reviewed in competition matters.


Esteemed attorney with expertise in competition law, serving as a Research Fellow at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy, and having held the distinguished position of Vice-President at the Competition Council


SEPTEMBER 21, 2023; 14:00 – 16:30 EEST

Webinar (Online)

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In case of non-attendance on the scheduled event date, the paid amount is non-refundable. However, you will have the opportunity to access the event recording for 5 days following the event date. 


450 lei + VAT

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400 lei + TVA



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• Voucher (Free of Charge Access for 15 Days)


The registration process involves issuing an invoice that you can use to pay the participation fee. The invoice can be issued either to an individual (natural person) or to a legal entity (company, office, sole proprietorship).

Webinar details
Event Moderator
  • Lawyers, judges, in-house lawyers

Urmărește Wolters Kluwer

© 2023 Wolters Kluwer Romania. All rights reserved.

•    Adam Scott, UK Competition Appeal Tribunal, Director of Studies;
•    Ian Forrester, former judge at the Court of Justice of the European Union;
•    Adrien de Hauteclocque, Head of Cabinet of the President of the General Court at Court of Justice of the European Union, Mr. Koen Lenaerts;
•    Francisco Marcos, Professor of Competition Law la IE University, Madrid.

Special Guests
•    Adam Scott, UK Competition Appeal Tribunal, Director of Studies;
•    Ian Forrester, former judge at the Court of Justice of the European Union;
•    Adrien de Hauteclocque, Head of Cabinet of the President of the General Court at Court of Justice of the European Union, Mr. Koen Lenaerts;
•    Francisco Marcos, Professor of Competition Law la IE University, Madrid.


Adam Scott has had an interestingly varied career combining engineering, economics and law with being an ordained priest, an army officer, and a senior manager in British Telecom. He was educated at Oxford University, has an MBA from Bayes Business School and a PhD from the University of St. Andrews. After leaving British Telecom, he became a member of the Competition Appeal Tribunal and he leads on training as well as handling European and International affairs at the CAT.


Dr Adrien de Hauteclocque is the Head of Cabinet of the President of the General Court at Court of Justice of the European Union and an academic within the European University Institute in Florence, Italy, with a keen interest in competition law.


An expert in business law and economic analysis of law, Francisco Marcos has enjoyed an intensive career in research and teaching in prestigious universities such as Harvard, Georgetown, California (Berkeley) and Bologna. Professor Marcos teaches law at IE, having studied as a Fulbright scholar (1994 – 1995) and having enjoyed a scholarship for the Real Colegio de San Clemente de los Españoles (1997 – 1998). His latest research hinges on the fields of competition law and economic regulation. He has also given classes at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Universidad de Cantabria, Universidad Carlos III (Madrid), Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona), Europea de Madrid and Antonio Nebrija (Madrid).


Judge, General Court of the European Union, 2015-2020; member of the Third Chamber; Faculty of Advocates (the Scottish Bar), 1972; New York Bar, 1977, appointed Queen’s Counsel, English Bar, 1996; Brussels Bar 1998

Invited Speakers

The event is under preliminary approval by the National Institute for Training and Development of Lawyers (I.N.P.P.A.)
The conference is included in the continuous improvement curricula for lawyers. Professional training points will be awarded after the end of the conference, based on the the actual Methodology for the recognition of continuous professional training activities, approved by the National Association of the Romanian Bars Council (U.N.B.R.).